If your day isn’t going as well as you had hoped, this video may be the wholesome pick-me-up you have been looking for. One baby boy is so tickled by the sight of his brother that he can not stop giggling.
In this sweet, family-friendly clip two twin baby boys are seated on a couch in almost identical cow costumes. The child on the right is unable to stop the giggles when he sees his brother in a matching moo ensemble. The 5-month old twins are irresistibly adorable in black and white dairy cow onesies. One has a hood with cute tiny ears while the other twin rocks a cow beanie. The giggling brother’s laugh is wildly infectious. The other twin seems unamused by his brother’s giggle fit, but the overall results is still too cute for words.
This video clip dares you to not smile. Even the coldest of hearts on the darkest of days would have a tough time not cracking a bit of a grin at the twin’s cute matching cow costumes and obvious delight at the whole ordeal.
We are wondering if mom and dad got in on the fun too with their own adult-sized cow costumes. That would be a beautiful family portrait for sure. This video is for people who enjoy laughing, babies, cuteness, animals, and or cow costumes. It is suitable for work as there are no words, the sound is quiet and minimal, and the duration is short. No need to worry that a swear or unsavory image will slip through.
The video clip at its core is wholesome, family fun that will continue to bring smiles to internet audiences forever. The adorable twins are timeless and universal. These brothers could be well into their thirties by now, but the sentiment to make you smile will continue throughout the ages. As long as the WiFi continues to deliver us worthwhile content like this, we will welcome babies doing cute things – especially if there are farm animal costumes involved.
So again, we dare you to try to watch this video of five-month-old twins enjoying their cow costumes as only tiny babies can do. Then we encourage you to share the joy of those sweet giggles with anyone in your life you feel could use the uplifting content. A great share for any season, but could really spread some smiles around Halloween.