Watching snowflakes fall from the sky is quite peaceful. When the snow collects on the ground, you can then walk in the quietness of the day or play in the snow with family and friends. Even though snowflakes are white and appear to look the same, there are some interesting details about this type of precipitation that might make you look at each flake a bit differently. One important detail to keep in mind is that snowflakes are multiple snow crystals that are stuck together. A crystal is a small amount of ice.
The anatomy of a snowflake
When you see snow falling, you probably think that it’s frozen raindrops. Sleet is known as raindrops that are frozen. Snow is a collection of frozen crystals that stick together when they are high in the atmosphere. When water vapor freezes and expands in the cloud, it branches out and gives snowflakes their unique appearance.
Snowflakes get their shape and design based on the temperature. The amount of moisture can also play a part in what snowflakes look like as well as their size. The symmetry of snowflakes is that of a hexagon. However, the overall design can change from the time the snowflake is in the air until it reaches the ground. There are six categories that make up snowflakes. Some are flat while others look like a column. There are flakes that look like a star, some that look like a needle, and those that look like a lacy decoration. You could also see snowflakes that look like they have a cap on them.
Cold temperatures often result in powdery snow whereas warmer temperatures often lead to needle-like flakes. If you were to pay attention to snow when it falls, then you could see dozens of designs in just one event. Two snowflakes are rarely the same design. However, some might have a generic shape and similar features.
Large flakes
One of the largest flakes recorded in the world was 15 inches wide. It was eight inches thick. This flake fell from the sky in 1887 in Montana. The snowflake was described as being bigger than a milk pan.
When snow gathers together and even when it’s falling from the sky, it appears as though it’s white. However, snowflakes are clear. If you were to look at each individual flake, then you would likely be able to see through each one. After snow settles on the ground, it absorbs the sound around it, which is why it seems so quiet when there’s fresh snow. When snow melts and freezes again, the ice can reflect the sounds around it compared to sound being absorbed by the flakes.
If you try to describe snow, you’re likely not at a loss for words. This is because there are hundreds of words to describe snow. However, it’s sometimes hard to describe a snow event. There are certain qualifications that must be met for a snowstorm to be considered a blizzard, which is what many people might want to call an event when it’s snowing heavily. An animal that loves being in the snow is the monkey. They tend to sit outside in the snow and sometimes form snowballs that they throw at each other.
Even though snow is cold to the touch, it can actually warm you up if you’re outside for too long. Many animals burrow in the snow as it’s a good insulator. This is also why igloos are made of snow and ice. The material is an insulator when it’s packed together. Some igloos can be dozens of degrees warmer inside than they are outside.