It’s happened to all of us at some point. We find a “sorry that we missed you” card taped to the front door from the local delivery service. The package that you had been waiting for was there, but you weren’t available to sign for it.
What’s even worse is when a delivery company doesn’t even bother to knock on the door to get a signature. With so many of us working from home since the start of the pandemic, it’s extremely annoying to not get packages when we are home pretty much all of the time. It’s enough to make you scream, especially when you are waiting for a specific package to get to your house.
But we all need to stop and think about the delivery drivers of the world. Before the pandemic, delivery drivers had a tough job to begin with. However, the pandemic caused a huge increase in the number of orders being placed online. So many people do what they can to limit their time in public to lessen their chances of catching COVID-19. This includes ordering as much as they can online for delivery. Even Amazon is having trouble sticking to their two-day Prime shipping during this difficult time!
What does this mean for the overworked and underpaid employees of various delivery services? It means a huge increase in the number of packages they must deliver in a day. In fact, some delivery men and women have gone on record to say that they are often responsible for up to 100 packages a day since the start of the pandemic. That’s an insane amount for one person to be responsible for, don’t you think?
It’s not an easy job for sure. In these troubling times, a kind gesture can mean a lot for the hardworking men and women who are breaking their backs as they try to meet their delivery quotas every single day!
One woman shared her thoughts on the social media app TikTok after spotting a rather rude note on the door of her neighbor. She has been praised by many viewers for her actions, and we can certainly see why that is!
The caption of her video summed up what we were about to see: “Rude people ruin days.”
The TikTok-er noticed that a neighbor had left a rather ignorant note on their door for the delivery driver, asking them to “leave the package on the goddamn fu door for fu** sake.” Yes, that is a direct quote, minus the expletives!
Sure, it is easy to get frustrated when you are waiting for a package. But it won’t help your situation in the least to leave this type of note!
The lady in the TikTok video, who goes by the name @katiehenry24, decided that their local FedEx employee didn’t need that kind of negativity when they are simply trying to do their job.
She replaced the rude note with one that asked “How about PLEASE.”
She then added a P.S. to the note: “Manners matter.”
Within hours of posting the video, tons of viewers sided with her, agreeing that there is no reason to put that type of rudeness out into the world. One commenter said that they would have grabbed the delivery and then taped it to the door with an excessive amount of duct tape. Then, they would have left a note that simply read: “Happy? It’s ON your door.”
Other commenters applauded her efforts, even going as far as to call her a hero. Comment after comment was left from viewers who all agreed that there is no reason to be rude to someone who is just doing their job.
We hope that the neighbor in question saw the new note and decided to be a bit nicer to the hardworking delivery men and women out there! Working during a pandemic isn’t easy, so it’s important to be as nice as possible to everyone we come into contact with. You never know their situation!