The family at number 22 in Wellington, Somerset, England are tackling the coronavirus in a special way. While many are feeling down because of the change in routine and the virus that is causing havoc, some are trying their best to keep spirits high. One family, in particular, has tried to lift the spirits of their community in a unique way. They colored their house to look like a rainbow.Â
Fern Taylor lives with her partner Marco and her two children Arabella and Matilda aged two and four. Taylor and her children wanted to make everyone a little happier so they decided to get some jumbo-sized chalk and color the bricks of their house to look like a rainbow. What started as a fun activity for the daughters became a 6-hour job for Fern and her partner.
The children loved the idea. Matilda aged two didn’t fully understand what was happening but colored in a few bricks with glee. Arabella was committed from the start but grew tired after about 30 minutes. Mum took up the cause from here and finished the bottom half of the house while the children played in the garden. She was planning to stop there when her partner Marco said that it couldn’t be left half-finished. He grabbed the ladder and said he would continue until the entire front of the house was colored in rainbow chalk.Â
Anyone who passed by loved the new look of the house. Most stopped for photos and to talk with Fern about the great idea. Fern even said that one ambulance stopped to tell her how much they loved it.Â
The house coloring was a perfect coronavirus activity as it kept the kids and parents busy, it lifted the spirits of the community and it happened all while still isolating. Fern took a bunch of photos of the kids in front of the house. When they grow up and she tells them all about the pandemic that they lived through but likely don’t remember she will have some beautiful photos to show them of this strange time.
At times like these, we have to find fun and obscure ways to entertain ourselves and keep our spirits high. If you have young children in your home it can be especially difficult as they struggle to understand why their lives have changed so much. Try to think outside the box for ways to occupy them but try to create positive lasting memories as well. When they look back at this time, twenty years from now, give them moments that they can smile and laugh about.Â
Don’t let your kids sit in front of the television or do chores all day as these are days that will be lost. Instead, create special memories that they will have for a lifetime. While these are unusual circumstances that we would rather not be in, it is a time when the family is closer together than ever before or than they ever will be again. Use this time to forge strong bonds in your family.Â
The rainbow house idea is a great one because it not only occupies the kids but gives the entire community something to smile about. You may not know how your neighbor is coping with this time and any little thing you do could be the positive reminder that they need that day.
Fern and her family painted the outside of her house with rainbow-colored chalk. While the rain will wash the chalk away in the coming days they will be left with the memories of one fantastic day forever. Take the opportunity that quarantine provides to make some lasting memories of your own.