What could be more heartwarming than a story about a donkey and an emu becoming an inseparable pair? How about the famous actor and the Walking Dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan rescuing the pair of animals and giving them a forever home? Talk about a Hollywood ending!
The odd tale all began with a tip-off to the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue, an organization that works to rescue and rehabilitate wild animals before they find a permanent home. The organization received word that a nearby farm had been abandoned, leaving behind a singular donkey and emu in need of rescuing.
The organization did what they do best and rescued the animals, providing them with temporary shelter. However, when it would come time for the animals to move on to their next home, the shelter was faced with a unique situation: the animals had become quite attached.
What’s more, the animals actually became quite inseparable. It appeared to the shelter as though the animals had developed a unique bond during their time together, clinging to one another through the trauma they had experienced.
The animals simply would not stand for being separated from one another, an interesting occurrence for a donkey and an emu. The organization was put in a tough spot. Suddenly, they were faced with finding a home that could support both a donkey and an emu within the same enclosure and provide each with the correct type of support.
In desperation, the organization took to social media, posting their plea for someone to step forward who was able and willing to take care of the inseparable pair.
While their plea gained a lot of internet traction, one offer, in particular, stood out to the organization. That was the offer of one Jeffrey Dean Morgan, a famous actor best known for his portrayal of Negan on AMC’s smash hit The Walking Dead.
Morgan is more than just a Hollywood star, however. He owns and operates a farm of his own, giving the animals who reside there the care and attention they deserve. The organization made sure to take a trip out to Morgan’s farm before carting the animals off to the farm. Although it would have been easy publicity, the organization had to make sure it was well-equipped to truly care for the unique pair of animals.
The enclosure the organization found was more than adequate, although Morgan would go on to make an even more new and improved enclosure for the pair.
So close they were named Jack and Diane by the rescue team, Jack and Diane would go on to find their permanent home on Morgan’s farm. Posting a picture with the pair, one can’t tell who’s happier – the donkey, the emu, or the actor.