When UPS drivers deliver packages, they usually leave the item at the residence if no one is home or meet someone who is at home in order to have the person sign for the package. Sometimes, drivers will spend a few minutes talking to the people who receive the packages. There are also a few drivers who spend time with four-legged tenants at the homes where they deliver boxes.
Even though there are some dogs that don’t always like seeing someone on their property, there is a driver who likes taking pictures with the dogs who like the attention. Jason Hardesty posts images on Instagram and other social media pages of the pictures that he takes with dogs on his route. From small dogs that weigh a few pounds to dogs that are large and overbearing, Jason doesn’t mind taking a few minutes out of his day to give the dogs he sees some affection. He sometimes takes pictures with the same dogs every day or frequently throughout the month.
Jason started driving a UPS route in New Orleans and has found several furry friends that like seeing him each day he delivers packages to their homes. If Jason doesn’t have a package for the homeowner, he will still get out of his truck to take pictures with some of the dogs he sees. He’s a man who is excited about animals and enjoys showing them a little love, especially if they seem like they haven’t been getting the attention that they need from other people.
When Jason stops to take pictures with some of the dogs, he will sit on porch steps with them, hold their ears up while he’s smiling, or hold a few dogs up that look like they are smiling. The dogs in the pictures seem to contradict the general image that they have received in relation to UPS drivers and mail carriers as many people believe that dogs don’t usually get too excited about these workers who wear uniforms.
At times, Jason is on the receiving end of a kiss from a dog. In many of his pictures, he’s smiling at the joy that the dogs seem to bring to his life. He’s taken a few pictures with cats, but they usually aren’t as receptive to his attention as dogs are even though he’s still smiling while holding the animals. Jason has also taken pictures with a few odd pets, such as a pig that looks like it’s smiling at him.