The royal weddings are some of the most popular and well-watched televised events around the world. People flock from all over to watch the grand ceremony, elaborate reception, and to see what fashion styles will play out amongst the crowds.
From the ring exchange to the cake, everyone has witnessed the historic moments, but have you ever wondered what the royal couple receives as wedding gifts? Here are some of the strangest items they’ve received so far.
Tandem Bike
In 2011, Will and Kate said their vows and stunned their audience with a glamorous lace gown. When opening their gifts from friends and family, they discovered a tandem bike from prime minister Boris Johnson. While an unusual gifting choice, a practical gift they can use together.
Indian Bull
You probably watched or seen pictures of the most recent wedding of Meghan and Harry. In 2018 this couple wed at the Windsor Castle and proceeded to receive gifts from royals and the like. Within their perfectly wrapped packages, they found the surprise of adoption papers. An Indian Bull named Merry was adopted in their name.
In 2015 when Prince Carl Philip married Princess Sofia, they were excited to find a kayak among their gifts. While millions of viewers watching might have been confused by the odd gift, they’ll be happy to know that the couple quite enjoys kayaking and were able to use their new two-seater in their own nature reserve.
Prince Charles married Diana in the early 1980s and was televised for the world to see. Some may be surprised to find that the Prince is known for his love of agriculture and shouldn’t be shocked to learn they received a ton of peat to use in their estate by the village of Somerset. If you aren’t sure what peat is, it is a combination of decayed vegetables and other organic materials used in gardening to enrich the soil.
Cooking Ingredients
During World War II, Prince Philip, and the Queen were set to be married. However, during wartime, the rationing of food and necessities still seized the nation, meaning ingredients for a wedding feast and royal cake were not easy to find. Thankfully the girl guides from Australia gifted them everything they needed to bake the perfect wedding cake. When a royal wedding is approaching, it seems as though time stands still. The entire world stops to watch the day play out and to witness this historic moment. Now everyone can rest assured knowing that even a royal couple receives an odd gift from time to time just as everyone else.